WiFi Matic is not responsible of establishing connection to the AP, just to turn on WiFi Even if the app turns on WiFi, that doesn't mean that your device will establish connection with the access point Finally, I don't have the chance to test WiFi Matic with each and every device model and Android version, and I cannot give any guaranty「Enable WiFi Matic」は、このアプリの有効無効の設定です。 「Remember WiFis」は、接続したWiFiスポットを記憶するかどうかの設定ですね。通常はONにしておくとよいでしょう。 「Check frequency」はWiFiスポットをチェックする間隔です。1分、5分、15分、30分、1時間の中から選択します。 「Show notifications」は通知のON/OFFです。WiFi Matic activates and deactivates WiFi of your device automatically depending on your location, helping you to save battery and consumption of data through your operator network It detects automatically the location of known WiFi networks (fi home, office, etc), turns on WFi when you arrive a place where there is WiFi, and turns it 家でwi Fiルーターが繋がらない その原因や対処法教えます Wi-fi matic なくなった